Superhero Run – Save the Date!
The 5th Annual Superhero Run and Family Carnival will be on Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 7-11AM. Join us for a fun, family-friendly event featuring a 5K race, 1 Mile race, Kids Fun Run, Family Carnival, a DJ, and donuts – all benefitting Life Stories: Child and...
Weld County Adoption Day
Congratulations to the families who are becoming forever families today! On November 18, 2016, a special celebration will take place wherein 12 children from Weld County will be adopted—a number that rivals the amount of children adopted yearly from the county. This...
COVA’s Deanna Griswould Award for Outstanding Victim Advocate, Non-Profit Secto
Congratulations to our CAC Manager and Forensic Interviewer Chris Sarlo Bergmann, the recipient of COVA's Deanna Griswould Award for Outstanding Victim Advocate, Non-profit sector. Chris received her award from COVA Director Nancy Lewis at the recent COVA conference...
COVA’s Deanna Griswould Award for Outstanding Victim Advocate, Non-Profit Sector
Congratulations to our CAC Manager and Forensic Interviewer Chris Sarlo Bergmann, the recipient of COVA's Deanna Griswould Award for Outstanding Victim Advocate, Non-profit sector. Chris received her award from COVA Director Nancy Lewis at the recent COVA conference...
October 2016 CASA Swearing-In Ceremony
Congratulations to our newest group of CASA volunteers, who recently completed the October training! These 8 individuals were sworn in last night by Judge Troy Hause. They join our 70 other CASA volunteers. We appreciate each one of them for their dedication to...
North Colorado CASA of the Year
Congrats to Jody Orback, recognized by Colorado State CASA as North Colorado CASA of the Year. Jody has been an active volunteer since 2004 and has worked over a dozen cases in both Weld and Boulder County! Jody’s cheery disposition and warmth make her such a success...
28 Hours of Hope is a Big Success
This year K99 and the Good Morning Guys raised over $77,000 during their 28 Hours of Hope Phone-a-thon
11 New CASA’s Sworn In
On April 11, 2013, 11 new CASA’s were sworn in by Judge Marcelo Kopcow. We are excited to be working with this great group of dedicated volunteers
New Plantation Fundraiser
A huge thank you goes out to the New Plantation Restaurant in Evans for their annual Poker Ride that benefits A Kid's Place. They raised over $2,000 for our agency.