We just want to say a huge congratulations to Judge Troy Hause for being awarded Judicial Partner of the Year at the Colorado CASA conference this year.  Judge Hause is a crucial proponent of the CASA program here in Weld County.  He has conducted all our program’s swearing in ceremonies for the past 6 years.  New volunteers state that they remember Judge Hause’s statements long after the ceremony and his words help guide them in the work that they do.  Ongoing volunteers consistently say  how much it means to them that at each court hearing, he tells the volunteer directly, using their name, that he appreciates them being there, he thanks them for their report and thanks them for volunteering their time on their case.  He is very welcoming and supportive when one of the children or youth on a case is present for a hearing.  He listens to them, he expresses that he values their input, and he always treats them with dignity and respect.  He has the utmost respect for families and parents that are involved in this judicial system and operates with a trauma informed lens in his courtroom.  Judge Hause has made a most important impact for the wellbeing of children and families in Weld County and especially the CASA program at Life Stories. 

Nomination video: https://youtu.be/jtSh5RvPRyM
