Attention our King Soopers Loyalty Card friends! King Soopers has changed their process for donating back to non profits and are no longer using refillable gift cards. Instead, King Soopers has started a Community Rewards program linked to their loyalty cards. King Soopers will pay up to $125,000 per cycle to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating King Soopers Community Rewards organizations.

Go to Once logged into your account on the community rewards page, search for Life Stories or use code “MB796” and click “enroll”. That is all you have to do. Each time you swipe your loyalty card when paying for groceries or gas, you’ll be raising money for Life Stories at the same time!

Funds raised through this program will go directly into our Child Needs and Activities Fund, which provides in-kind resources and relationship building opportunities to the kids and teens we serve.
