
Life Stories works hard to raise a portion of our budget each year through fundraising events and benefits. We also like to meet community members and spread the word about our valuable programs.

Our services to child victims of abuse are always free.

You can help!

Attend an event, host an event, sponsor an event!

Male CASA volunteers needed.

Male CASA volunteers needed.

Did you know? Each year CASA advocates on behalf, almost equally, of boys and girls. However approximately 90 percent of CASA advocates in Weld County are women and 10 percent are men. While men and women are equally as capable of being great volunteer advocates, many...

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September 13- Coffee with CASA at KM Cup

September 13- Coffee with CASA at KM Cup

Enjoy a beverage on us and learn about our CASA program.  Our next training starts in September, but we have independent learning sessions throughout the year. September 13, 9:00 - 1:00 pm KM Cup 721 4th St, Fort Lupton, CO 80621 For more information, contact Sharon...

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Thank you to our Prize Donors

Thank you to our Prize Donors

One of our favorite parts of our Superhero Run is that we are able to give out so many prizes.  Thanks to these generous donors, we are able to give out lots of door prizes and costume contest prizes.  Don't miss out on your chance to win.  Register today....

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